The first day of the conference was very successful. Its purpose was to contribute to the making of sport public policies and to the development, research and impact of physical activity on our society. The activity was opened on July 1st, at Espacio Isidora Aguirre, Universidad de Santiago, and it was organized by the School of Health, Sports and Physical Activity Sciences, with the collaboration of Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and Universidad de Valparaíso. With the purpose of contributing to the making of sport public policies and to the development, research and impact of physical activity on our society, the first International Conference on Social Studies of Sport was opened on July 1st, at Espacio Isidora Aguirre of Universidad de Santiago, and it continued on July 2nd, at Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.The opening address was given by Professor Omar Fernández, Director of the School of Health, Sports and Physical Activity Sciences, ECIADES. “The seminar has the purpose of starting a debate on the development of big events carried in Chile and how these events are related to political, social and cultural processes that give additional meanings to this matter, which differ from the technical point of view of a coach or an athlete,” he said.“Social Sciences consider this as a more complex and complete phenomenon that demands a multidisciplinary view, with the contribution of anthropologists, sociologists, journalists, psychologists, historians and physical education teachers,” he added.“Universidad de Santiago has brought these issues to the agenda for reflection, debate and research and to see how different disciplines can contribute to the making of public policies, considering this sport and cultural phenomenon,” he said.“We have been discussing these matters for two years. Last year we had a seminar on Sociology of Sport with Pablo Alabarces, an expert in this field in Latin America, and specifically on football, and we have had some colloquiums this semester,” Professor Fernández added.“Therefore, our University is opening a space for Social Sciences to contribute to this debate, with the idea of furthering the policy-making in the area of sports, considering different points of view to enrich this matter,” he said.With regards to how this initiative was started, professor Fernández said: “It started in the course of Sociology of Sport, that considers different aspects for evaluation, relating the course with colloquiums and seminars; but, at the same time, it is related to outreach, from the sociocultural field. ECIADES opens the University to debate, where different agents and researchers meet to take responsibility for this cultural phenomenon.”For his part, Jorge Montealegre, Director of the Outreach Department of our University, said: “The decision of promoting the reflection on public policies related to sports and physical activity in the organization and security of mega events is a big feat.”Sport and StateDirector Montealegre added: “We see sport as a focal point, as a cross-cutting issue, able to be approached from different disciplines and by different civil, social and State organizations.”With regards to this idea, Rodrigo Soto, psychologist and professor of the Sociology of Sport course at ECIADES, stressed that his year they have the goal of conducting studies and providing consultancies on the social aspects of sports, understanding it as a social good, what would allow to reflect on role of the State, among other things.“When we think of policies on security in sport events, particularly football, we believe that there are more social agents than the ones that participate today. The space given by the University makes debate possible and allows recognizing that there are more social agents involved in making public policies on security for this type of event,” Professor Soto said.“This activity considers other aspects of sport. Sport should not only be considered as a motor practice and bodily movement, because there are social, economic and political factors that are involved,” Professor Soto concluded.Organization of the conferenceThe event was organized by the School of Health, Sports and Physical Activity Sciences of Universidad de Santiago, the School of Psychology of Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, and the Center for Sociological Research of Universidad de Valparaíso. These three bodies formed the Sociological Studies of Football Cluster. Also, the Social Studies of Sports Center was started this year.Translated by Marcela Contreras
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