Universidad de Santiago will be part of the conference that will gather international renowned experts from NGOs, governments, academic institutions and business organizations. The main goal of the meeting is to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences that could become effective solutions to different issues which are relevant to Chile and the world.
More than a hundred participants- business owners, investors, researchers and different authorities- will meet on October 26th, 27th and 28th at the Historical Building of Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, for the 10th version of the Encuentros Conference. The annual meeting of this network gathers students, researchers and entrepreneurs from Chile or related to Chile, for scientific and professional collaboration.During three days, the participants will meet with international renowned experts from NGOs, governments, academic institutions and business organizations to discuss different issues which are relevant to Chile. The core idea of this year is “Knowledge for social equity,” one of the main challenges in Chile and the world nowadays.The main goal of the Encuentros Barcelona 2016 Conference is to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences that could become new projects and effective solutions to the social challenges shared by Chile, Catalonia, Spain and Europe in general. During the meeting, the participants will cover issues like education, sustainability, agriculture, economy, women and science, infrastructure and health.The Encuentros network started in 2006, in Dresde, Germany. It was organized by a group of Chilean doctoral students. Up to now, the meeting has been held in Milan, Gottingen, Cambridge, Berkeley, Paris, Boston, Santiago and Rotterdam.This is the first time that Universidad de Santiago will participate in the Encuentros Conference and it has organized a session called “The challenges of the new social market economy,” in which the participants will analyze and evaluate the economic policies implemented in Chile in the past 25 years, particularly those which have affected fundamental rights like education and health.Dr Gabriel Palma, professor at the Faculty of Administration and Economics of Universidad de Santiago and professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Cambridge will be one of the speakers, and Jorge Friedman, the dean of the Faculty of Administration and Economics will be in charge of moderating the session.ParticipantsThe following experts will participate in the conference: Ei-ichi Negishi, chemist, recipient of the Chemistry Nobel Prize (2010); Gino Casassa, glaciologist, member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that was awarded the Peace Nobel Prize in 2007; Alain Touraine, sociologist. recipient of the Prince of Asturias Award (2010) and founder of the Centro de Análisis y de Intervención Sociológicos(CADIS); Cecilia Hidalgo, recipient of the Chilean National Science Award (2006), and Cristóbal Cobo, specialist in educational technologies and Director of the CEIBAL Foundation Study Center. Other lecturers will be Adriana Delpiano, Chilean Minister of Education; Claudia Serrano, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Chile at the OECD, and Christian Nicolai, Executive Director of CONICYT Chile.Universidad de Santiago will provide scholarships to students who send their proposals. Those who are selected will have the possibility of presenting their works in Barcelona.Links:http://redencuentros.org/encuentros-barcelona-2016/http://www.ub.edu/we… by Marcela Contreras