Astrid Seperiza Wittwer
Av. Vicente Pérez Rosales 709, Llanquihue
(065) 242844
Our center became part of the Llanquihue community in the year 2007 as a center of research in food technology. But in the year 2009 its guidelines were modified in order to begin the Universidad de Santiago’s Centro de Estudios CEUS Llanquihue that has two main objectives:
CEUS Llanquihue was born as a center for carrying out research and development activities in areas such as food, agriculture and livestock industry, and environmental services, among others, as well as creating and developing new techniques of support to the companies that work in those areas (e.g. molecular biology, micro encapsulations, etc.) with the aim of providing support to the companies of the southern zone of our country, in particular from the Tenth Region, respecting the environment and the animal welfare.
This center also aims at providing the necessary training and assistance to the companies, institutions and people from the same zone, by means of our area of continuing education, through courses and diplomas that have the SENCE franchise. Another important objective of the CEUS Llanquihue is the joint participation and cooperation with scientific consortiums, institutions and universities of the zone.
Besides, as part of this new proposal, CEUS Llanquihue of the Universidad de Santiago undertakes to become a supportive social factor along the river basin of the Llanquihue Lake and enhance the education.
CEUS Llanquihue has the following lines of work:
- Research and development
- Environment
- Education
- Services related to the area of food technology because it counts on the best food extrusion plant of the country.