The Institutional Strategic Plan (ISP) is a document elaborated on the basis of a wide participation. It states formally the mission, vision, policies, objectives, values and activities of the University, in the long run. The scope of this plan goes beyond the transitory authorities in office.
Its objective is to formalize the long- term wishes and objectives of the Institution in order to design the concrete activities that the University has to carry out. The ISP also compels the University to look for the devices that are necessary for the accomplishment of those objectives and engages everyone in their achievement.
The ISP is particularly aimed at authorities, administrative employees and teachers of the University, in all their levels, so that they can guide their actions about the common objectives of the Institution on the basis of this plan. It also benefits the people who have a direct relationship with the Universidad de Santiago, especially when they realize that there is an improvement in the services provided. Finally, the society is also favored because it receives the contribution from the University.