Mr. Pedro Palominos Belmar
Pro President
The Pro Presidency, as a major unit of the University’s central government, directly supports the President in various matters concerning the University’s internal and external operation, and the Institutional Management is its central focus.
Besides, it ensures the proper coordination of the operational tasks and the University’s Mission, outlined in the Institution’s Strategic Plan; it focuses its activities on the specific tasks associated with strategic and organizational development, and it ensures the ongoing coordination with and among the vice presidents and directors making up the Pro Presidency.
It is also responsible for keeping high levels of efficiency and effectiveness in the administrative tasks specific to the Corporation. It also coordinates the administrative activities of the University.
The Pro President must assume the responsibilities which by statute and regulations are assigned to him; one of them is to subrogate the President, when he is not available.
The Directorate of Institutional Development and the Directorate of Administration and Finance depend on the Pro Presidency.