
Students to use new technologies for finding the real causes of the Salar de Atacama’s decline

“Study of the sinking of the Atacama Salt Flat using synthetic aperture radar images” is the title of the study conducted by Roberto Montoya Araya and Marisol Alegría González, both students of Land/Geomatics Engineering, whose lead professor is Dr. Marcelo Caverlotti.

The record will measure the terrain of the largest salt deposit in Chile, which according to a recent study led by the University of Chile, is sinking at a rate of between 1 and 2 centimeters per year.

Usach alumni and student project to make Campus a smart and sustainable environment

This initiative arises through the open innovation platform Sinapsis Usach, managed by the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Dinem) of the Vice Rector's Office for Research, Innovation and Creation (Vriic), which announced the teams selected for the Pre Sinapsis stage, where Campus Vivo was one of the 9 projects chosen in the category Sustainable Usach Challenge.