Innovative acoustic resonator of recycled plastic to reduce noise in work spaces

Audiological diseases due to continuous exposure to noise at work are among the main occupational pathologies in our country, according to data from the Superintendence of Social Security.

The WHO recommends a limit of 65 decibels to ensure good health and well-being of people, while Chilean regulations allow up to 85 decibels in eight-hour workdays, which is not always complied with.

Development of a food additive based on maqui and patagua controls disease that causes mortality in salmon

Chile is one of the leaders in the world salmon industry, occupying second place in salmonid production, after Norway, and supplying 25% of the global supply. At the national level, this product is the largest exporter, after copper.

The sector faces several challenges, however, including the spread of diseases that threaten the stability and quality of production. One of the most common and dangerous is salmonid rickettsial septicemia (SRS), caused by the bacterium Piscirickettsia salmonis.