

Researcher seeks to reduce chronic arthritis pain using nanoparticles

Researcher seeks to reduce chronic arthritis pain using nanoparticles

  •  Dr Claudio Laurido, professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of Universidad de Santiago, is studying the reduction of chronic arthritis pain by using drugs administrated via extended-release nanoparticles. “Currently, very strong injectable drugs are required, like morphine, with several undesirable side effects. The purpose of using these nanoparticles is to administrate lower doses of drugs, hopefully, with less side effects,” the researcher said.


According to the Chilean Ministry of Health, 1% of the population suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, mostly women between 45 and 75 years old.

Dr Claudio Laurido, professor at the Department of Biology of Universidad de Santiago, seeks to use drug-loaded extended-release nanoparticles to inhibit arthritis pain, by injecting them into the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid. 

“Currently, very strong injectable drugs are required, like morphine, with several undesirable side effects. The purpose of using these nanoparticles is to administrate lower doses of drugs, hopefully, with less side effects for patients,” the researcher says.

The study "Manufactura de nanopartículas de liberación prolongada de fármacos, caracterización y ensayo en ratas monoartríticas" (Development of drug extended-release nanoparticles. Characterization and testing in monoarthritic rats), will last for three years and is funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Department (Dicyt, in Spanish) of Universidad de Santiago.

The researcher says that there is evidence that chronic pain can kill a person. If pain is not controlled, it can affect the immune function, stimulate tumor growth, and cause depression, increasing the risk of suicide in patients.

“Common drugs are not the solution, as they relieve acute pain, which may be strong, but then it is reduced until disappearing. Chronic pain persists in time,” he adds.

For this reason, this study is focused on analyzing the neurobiological bases of chronic pain and identifying the cells involved in the processes that start, develop and maintain chronic arthritis pain.

Contributing to neurobiology

Dr Alejandro Hernández, co-investigator in this study, suggests the possibility of modulating spinal pain mechanisms by suppressing the communication between the glial system and neurons with drugs. For this purpose, the study will develop nanoparticles loaded with drugs that improve the cerebral blood flow.  

In this study, nanoparticles will be made of biocompatible and biodegradable materials, like lipids and other products used in the food and cosmetics industry.

“These nanoparticles are used for their ability to encapsulate and release drugs over time. A common pill does not have this ability and lasts for a maximum of 4-6 hours. In this case, only one dose is totally effective,” Dr Laurido explains.

With this study, the researcher expects to contribute to the field of neurobiology. Extended-release nanoparticles allow to place drugs close to the area where the pain is generated (spinal cord), using much lower doses, reducing the administration frequency, reducing or eliminating undesirable side effects and increasing drug effectiveness. It will be a great contribution to the study of pain.


Translated by Marcela Contreras

British Government Fund to support CESS Oxford-U de Santiago

British Government Fund to support CESS Oxford-U de Santiago

  • The work of the CESS Oxford-U de Santiago was evaluated by the Newton-Picarte Fund as one of the best projects.



The funding allocated by this program of the British Government will allow the Center to continue its path to become a hub of experimental research in Social Sciences in Latin America. It will allow promoting the training of PhD students and professors in experimental research, particularly in experimental methods for the analysis of public policies.

The Newton-Picarte Fund program is a partnership between the Chilean’s National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (Conicyt, in Spanish) and the British Government to support scientific research in Chile, particularly in joint research projects involving Chilean and British scientists, technology transfer and innovation, advanced human capital development for research and innovation, and the generation of  challenges that provide innovative solutions for the development of our country. 

Funding allocation

Raymond Duch, Director of the Center for Experimental Social Sciences Oxford-Universidad de Santiago, explains that the most important contribution of this fund is that it will allow providing training to policy makers in Chile.

“This training will help them to apply experimental methods to design more effective and efficient policies in different areas. First, we will focus on Education, but in the long term, we will include other important areas of Chilean politics,” he emphasizes. Besides, the fund awarded will finance a workshop with renowned social scientists worldwide.

“It will be a unique opportunity for students in Chile to meet with policy makers and analysts and discuss the current policies faced by the Chilean Government and also give ideas on how to make policies that meet their goals. For example, a way of improving job opportunities for Chilean youngsters who have problems to enter the labor market,” he says.

The Newton-Picarte Fund will allow the Center to offer its training programs, research and educational possibilities to a wide variety of Chilean academics, the Government and the private sector.

“The training courses that we have developed for our partners in the Chilean Government will be available for ministries, students and teachers as well as decision-makers in the private sector,” Director Duch concludes.

The funds were awarded after a highly competitive process in which the CESS Oxford-U de Santiago was among the best evaluated projects.


Translated by Marcela Contreras

New applied research center will integrate information technology, psychology and neuroscience

New applied research center will integrate information technology, psychology and neuroscience

  • The implementation of this new research instance was announced by the University’s President, Juan Manuel Zolezzi, on December 3rd, during the launching of a Program for Institutional Improvement (PMI, in Spanish), funded by the Ministry of Education. The purpose of this new Information Technology Innovation Center for Social Applications (Citiaps, in Spanish) is to be an intermediary between research and its viability as software products that could be commercially developed, based on the premise of integrating innovation and science.

The PMI was created by this Corporation as a strategy to achieve world-class excellence in an innovative way, integrating three research areas to develop science- based innovation: Information technology, psychology and neuroscience. The University was awarded a grant from the Ministry of Education’s contestable fund to finance the program through a performance agreement.

“With this project we intend to improve our international competitiveness, increase the University’s scientific productivity in a significant way, and reach higher levels of teaching and scientific discoveries. All this will be done through the highly specialized and interdisciplinary research centers that we already have and through others that we are committed to create,” said President Zolezzi.

In the program’s launching ceremony, held on December 3rd in the University’s Salón de Honor, the University’s President said that the PMI will outline the future of applied research and that a significant share of this goal will lie on this new Information Technology Innovation Center for Social Applications.

Applied innovation for society

“The Citiaps will integrate the work done until now and it also considers the technological origins of this University and the great development of social sciences during the last years,” President Zolezzi said, emphasizing at the same time the center’s efforts to develop strategic partnerships among researchers, entrepreneurs and companies, doing a state-of-the-art interdisciplinary work.

“The PMI will strengthen the Vice Presidency of Investigation, Development and Innovation (Vridei, in Spanish) and to consolidate a technology transfer platform to do research in association with companies and to transfer and commercialize the R+D results,” the President added.

Oscar Bustos, Vice President of Investigation, Development and Innovation said that, although the Citiaps will be focused on three main areas (Information technology, psychology and neuroscience), its goal will be to cover all disciplines. “We want our students- who are very creative- to channel their ideas through the center, so that researchers develop these ideas and create products which are useful to society.”

“The idea is to generate innovation based on high-impact science. We have set ambitious but real goals,” the Vice President said.

Contributing to the country

Alberto Vásquez, Head of the Ministry of Education’s Higher Education Division, referred to the excellent assessment that the PMI had during the contest, which meant being granted the funds, and to the significance of contributing with new knowledge for Chile. “We would like to congratulate and support this initiative and say that for our country is good, important and relevant to award this performance agreement to Universidad de Santiago.”

John Fraser, American expert and professor at the Florida State University, who was a special guest at the ceremony, valued this interdisciplinary initiative from an international point of view saying that this was the best moment to invest in knowledge and to promote creativity, considering the economic success of the country.

Finally, Luis Magne, Head of the Vridei’s Technological Management Department awarded the winners of the First Patent Contest for Students: Roberto Santiago, from the Department of Chemical Engineering; Jaime Lagos and Álvaro Espejo, from the Department of Physics; Camila Manfredi, from the School of Architecture, and Loreto Acevedo, from the Department of Food Science and Technology.

Fernando Vial, Head of the Ministry of Education’s Institutional Financing Department; Mauricio Marín, PMI and Citiaps’ Scientific Director; Pablo Vera, Citiaps’ Deputy Scientific Director; Ramón Blasco, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering; Rafael Labarca, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Augusto Samaniego, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and other authorities, also attended the ceremony.

Translated by Marcela Contreras

Researchers seek to feed the population in a healthy and equitable manner

Researchers seek to feed the population in a healthy and equitable manner

  • The projects supported by the Department of Agrarian Management of the Technological Faculty and the Food Science and Technology Research Center of Universidad de Santiago show important results, like a bio-pesticide based on residual quinoa grains or the potential edible use of this pseudo-cereal leaves.


The projects supported by the Department of Agrarian Management of the Technological Faculty and the Food Science and Technology Research Center of Universidad de Santiago (Cecta, in Spanish), show important progress in their goal of feeding the population in a healthy and equitable way.

The first project, “Biopesticidas en base a saponinas de quínoa” (Bio-pesticides based on quinoa saponins) (FIC 30343624-0) lasts three years and it is being developed in the O’Higgins Region, in Central Chile. It has the purpose of using the residual quinoa grains to generate a natural pesticide for grapevines.

The second project, “Valorización agroindustrial de subproductos de la quínoa” (Agro-industrial valuation of quinoa byproducts) (FIC 30429825-0), lasts three years and it is also being developed in the O’Higgins Region. The goal of this project is to promote the cultivation of quinoa, with new applications. Besides using the grains, they expect to promote the use of the leaves in salads.

The third project, “Habilitación de productores hortícolas de la región Metropolitana para la elaboración de productos IV gama” (Training vegetable producers of the Metropolitan Region in the elaboration of IV range products) (GORE BIP 30442786-0), lasts 18 months and it is the continuation of a project developed by the Cecta researchers in 2011 that tested different protocols to reduce the microbial load in vegetables like lettuces, cabbages and carrots.

Carlos Díaz Ramírez, Professor at the Department of Agrarian Management and Innovation Manager of the projects, explains that the purpose of this project is to train small farmers in the care and safety of all the production and supply chain of vegetables, until the products reach the consumer.

Some of the Cecta scientists involved in the projects are Professor Lina Yáñez Catalán, Dr Claudio Martínez and Dr José Luis Palacios Pino.


Researcher develops technique to address water scarcity and pollution in the mining industry

Researcher develops technique to address water scarcity and pollution in the mining industry

  • The project, funded by CORFO, is led by Dr. Claudia Ortiz, researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, and it focuses on developing a biological filter using brown algae, enhancing copper and arsenic recovery from the water used in the mining process. The filters can also be used as desalination agents. This involves the real possibility of using seawater as an alternative to mining production processes.

Water consumption in Chile’s mining industry is now a multi-faceted problem. Water shortage in large deposits of minerals located in the center and northern part of the country, the disadvantages of the systems available for water treatment, and the figures, show that 95 percent of the recourse that enters the plants ends up as waste.

Given this reality, the project led by Dr. Claudia Ortiz, researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, aims to obtain a biofilter prototype (biological filters) based on Chilean brown algae, which are chemically modified for the absorption of large concentrations of elements such as copper and arsenic.

In words of the researcher, "the direct recovery of copper, by using biofilters, will cause productive benefit and also an increase in the life cycle of the water process, resulting in more efficient resource usage. Also, the content of elements, such as arsenic and copper, will decrease. Their presence in the environment is a global problem because of the persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity to living organisms. "

This project corresponds to one of the six initiatives of the Applied R & D project funded by CORFO, which the University will run.

Because of its high efficiency at low concentrations of heavy metals and its low cost, the filters may also be used as desalination agents and this means the real possibility of using seawater, as an alternative to mining production processes.

"The project involves a comprehensive solution, which is efficient and cheap to industry. Currently, this field faces three problems: access to water resources, optimization of copper production, by recovering this metal from the waste, and the use of sea water in the process," Dr. Ortiz says. She adds that in a first phase, the project includes the development of laboratory-scale biofilter prototype and then the project scaling to industrial level.

The project is conducted by: the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology; the Department of Geographic Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, as hydro-specialized support, as well as Good Harbour Technologies a Canadian company specialized in process scaling, and División Codelco Chuquicamata, as associated with the project.

Researchers study improvements in properties of biodegradable materials

Researchers study improvements in properties of biodegradable materials

  • A plastic bag takes 1,000 years to break down. In light of this situation, biodegradable materials have become a good option. This is the context in which the study led by Dr Ana Carolina López Dicastillo, a member of the Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of Universidad de Santiago, is being conducted. Thanks to the electrospinning technique, her research team will produce nanoparticles able to enhance the properties of biodegradable materials in order to obtain, in the long term, more eco-friendly packaging.


It is widely known that a plastic bag takes 1,000 years to break down, causing harm to the environment. Biodegradable materials are an alternative to solve this problem, because they are highly beneficial to the environment when they are adequately discarded. However, these materials do not have the same barrier and mechanical properties that petroleum-based products do, so they become fragile and highly permeable.

Thanks to the electrospinning technique, the research team will produce nanoparticles able to enhance the properties of biodegradable materials in order to obtain, in the long term, more eco-friendly packaging. The study is led by Dr Ana Carolina López Dicastillo, a member of the Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of Universidad de Santiago, (Cedenna, in Spanish).


This Regular Fondecyt project, which is in its second year, seeks to improve the properties of a biodegradable material by incorporating nanoparticles produced by electrospinning to eventually use this material for food packaging. The electrospinning technique has not been frequently used in our country.

The electrospinning process allows obtaining fiber by means of the coaxial stretching of a viscoelastic solution. The diameter of the electrospun fibers ranges from microns no nanometers and they may have unique features.

Due to its interesting properties, this technique has been widely studied in the past few years for a wide variety of applications, like tissue engineering, the creation of special membranes and medical applications like dental implants and bone replacement. In this case, the project is oriented to enhance the properties of biodegradable materials for food industry applications. “Besides developing and working with nanoparticles and nanofibers, this technique allows encapsulating active compounds for their further release, what is also important in the food industry,” Dr López said.

The study seeks to enhance the essential properties of a biodegradable polymer and to create a biodegradable packaging with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties to protect food and to extend its shelf life.

Dr. López Dicastillo, who is responsible for the study, explains that “one of the expectations that we have with this work is trying to implement the concept of reducing plastic products in daily life, replacing traditional materials with biodegradable ones and the awareness of recycling and sustainability.”

She has the goal of making people aware of the problem posed by the plastic waste buildup and the need for replacing petroleum-based products with biodegradable materials, as petroleum is not a renewable resource.

“However, these (biodegradable) materials do not have the properties that the market demands yet. This is why we propose to enhance them and one of the solutions to this problem is nanotechnology. In our project, we are developing a type of nanoparticle that can make biodegradable materials properties to be similar to the ones of traditional plastic products in the market,” she said.

“We also intend to disseminate this study at different levels: from teaching children the importance of these existing biodegradable materials, emphasizing the need for recycling, to scientific conferences and presentations,” the researcher concluded.


Translated by Marcela Contreras

Researcher seeks to reduce the environmental impact of plastic containers

Researcher seeks to reduce the environmental impact of plastic containers

  • Plastic containers have caused an out-of-proportion environmental crisis all over the world. In this regard, Dr Alejandra Torres, professor at the Food Science and Technology Research Center is developing new containers with lower environmental impact through the Fondecyt Initiation Project (11140404,) “En la impregnación supercrítica de compuestos naturales en biopolímeros utilizados como envases de alimentos.”


The purpose of the study led by Dr Alejandra Torres is to inquire about new elements to produce new containers with lower environmental impact, by enhancing their properties through a novel process that involves the incorporation of substances that reverse the microbiological damage. Dr Torres is a professor at the Food Science and Technology Research Center (Cecta, in Spanish) and is member of the solid research team of the Packaging Laboratory of Universidad de Santiago (Laben, in Spanish).

The study was funded by the Fondecyt Initiation Project (11140404), ‘En la impregnación supercrítica de compuestos naturales en biopolímeros utilizados como envases de alimentos’.

According to the expert, through this initiative they will try to improve the production of food containers in three different areas: environment, new properties and new attributes.

The project addresses three essential aspects of research and development of new food packaging: the use of vegetal antimicrobial active compounds, the process to incorporate theses substances into the plastic material, and the material used to produce containers.

Currently, most of the plastic packaging used for food is made from petroleum-based raw materials. This causes a huge environmental impact for the plastic waste build-up.

“In the project, we will work with a biodegradable plastic material called polylactic acid, which is derived from renewable resources, such as corn. However, this type of material has some disadvantages. For example, it is highly permeable to water vapour, reducing the shelf life of products and/or increasing the risk of food-transmitted diseases,” Dr Torres says.

Incorporation of natural substances

A second important aspect addressed in this project is the incorporation of natural substances into packaging. These compounds come from essential oil extracts based on herbs, like oregano and thyme. They have antioxidant and/or antimicrobial properties that could extend the shelf life of the packed product and could keep its quality.

There are several ways of incorporating these substances into plastic containers. “One of the most common processes in food industry is the extrusion process. However, it usually requires high temperatures, resulting in the loss of the properties of the substances in the natural compounds,” the researcher says.

For this reason, this project intends to use the supercritical impregnation process as incorporation method.

This method has long been used in the field of medicine and one of its main advantages is that it does not require high temperatures, preventing the thermal degradation of the natural substances and, consequently, the degradation of its activity.

Regarding the expectations for this study, Dr Torres says that the results that they have obtained up to know are very interesting and promising for the development of new food packaging using more eco friendly materials.

Translated by Marcela Contreras

Universidad de Santiago experts propose a new method to generate constant and sustainable hydroelectric power

Universidad de Santiago experts propose a new method to generate constant and sustainable hydroelectric power

  • At the “Variabilidad Hidrológica en la Determinación del Caudal Ecológico” seminar held at Universidad de Santiago, Dr Matías Peredo presented a new model that allows small hydroelectric power plants to have a constant flow of river water.


During the “Variabilidad Hidrológica en la Determinación del Caudal Ecológico” seminar held at Universidad de Santiago, Dr Matías Peredo, professor at the Department of Civil Engineering in Civil Works, presented a new model that allows small hydroelectric power plants to have a constant flow of river water.

The method simulates a physical habitat that includes fish and also leisure time activities, like sport fishing. The purpose of this model is to provide a way of measuring how much water these small power plants require to keep constantly operating, without damaging the ecosystem and independently of rain shortages.

Current Chilean regulations establish that there always should be a specific water flow limit to preserve river ecosystems. However, Dr Peredo says that, just like flora and fauna vary according to dry and rainy years, water flow should change to preserve that ecosystem.

“If more water runs, the volume of water should be higher; and if less water runs, then the volume should be lower. What should not happen is to always keep the minimum volume of water stated by the national regulations, as this not sustainable,” he says.

He adds that the purpose of the model developed is to allow the possibility of bringing more water to generate hydroelectric power by means of variations in the ecologic water volume, and at the same time, to protect the ecosystem. “This is the reason why this is a sustainable energy development.”

The study results could propose more diverse ways of hydroelectric power generation, promoting the incorporation of small power plants.

“The goal is not to rely only on large power plants, but also on small plants, as they could contribute to meet energy demands during dry seasons,” he explains.

The study allowed to conclude that rivers naturally change their flows, as they are flexible. This is why in dry years, water volume should be reduced: to have a delta of water that could be used by small power plants.

For his part, Dr Juan Manuel Zolezzi, President of Universidad de Santiago de Chile highlights the importance of this study and the support that our university “gives to this type of initiative, through which professors can strengthen their academic and scientific networks to build knowledge at the service of our country.”

He said that the seminar “allowed to reflect on how to transfer the results and new knowledge to environmental assessment agencies and the market through training activities, seminars, conferences and the development of written material, among others.”

In this project, Dr Peredo worked in partnership with the Environmental Assessment Service (Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental, SEA), that requested and validated this work, and the Chilean Economic Development Agency (CORFO, in Spanish), that funded the project through a public goods for competitiveness contest.

The Department of Civil Engineering in Civil Works of this university, together with a multidisciplinary team of 25 professionals including hydrologists, geographers, biologists and experts in rural development and environmental engineers, worked at this project.

Translated by Marcela Contreras

Control of chemical reactions by means of quantum optics

Control of chemical reactions by means of quantum optics

  •     Physical Review Letters (PRL) will publish an article about this important development in the control of chemical reactions using quantum optics. In simple terms, Dr Herrera, researcher at Universidad de Santiago, explains that they proved that these reactions or electron transfers can be accelerated or reduced.



At the end of the month, the renowned American journal of Physics, Physical Review Letters (PRL) of the American Physical Society (APS), will publish an important discovery in this field made by Dr Felipe Herrera, professor at the Department of Physics of Universidad de Santiago de Chile, and Dr Francis C. Spano, professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, USA.

The article (“Cavity-controlled chemistry in molecular ensembles”) will highlight the development made by these researchers in the control of chemical reactions by means of quantum physics. In simple terms, Dr Herrera explains that they proved that these reactions or electron transfers can be accelerated or reduced.

Graphically, the model consists of an optical cavity surrounded by two mirrors that do not allow light to go through, “so the amount of energy is the minimum possible in an electromagnetic field. That is to say, there is cero or one unit of light energy, which is also called photon,” Dr Herrera explains.

Dr Herrera remembers that, at a first stage, they asked themselves about “the effects that the optical cavity could have on chemical reactions or electron transfers: if the cavity would accelerate them, suppress them or if nothing would happen at all.”

In this context, the researcher says that they finally “found a mechanism through which this quantum optical cavity can dramatically accelerate the reaction and electron transfer in molecules.”

The basics

With regards to this theoretical discovery, Dr Herrera explains the process: “First, there are two players: the electron that is going to be transferred and the vibration of the molecules that, in a way, affect how this electron is going to be transferred from one place to another. If there is too much vibration, the electron will be disturbed and the transfer will be inefficient.”

“When you add another factor, like the optical cavity, there is a third player: the photon, which will now interact with the electron inside the cavity,” he says.  

“We discovered that quantized light plays a game in which the electron becomes a photon and the photon turns again into an electron and vice versa. The game only occurs inside the cavity and it makes the electron to stop interacting with the vibration, eliminating or blocking vibrations,” he explains. 

With regard to what material inside the cavity accelerates or reduces the electron transfer, Dr Herrera says that they have tested organic materials or organic molecules, like the ones that form the human body. “This organic material could also be a protein, according to the experiments conducted by other researchers that have based their studies on our discovery,” he adds.

Physical Review Letters

The article about this development was first published in the online edition of Physical Review Letters and, at the end of June, it will be published in the print edition. Dr Herrera says this is a great honor for them, as this journal is the most prestigious one in the field of Physics.


Translated by Marcela Contreras

Researcher of Faculty of Chemistry and Biology joints editorial board of renowned scientific journal

Researcher of Faculty of Chemistry and Biology joints editorial board of renowned scientific journal

  • In recognition of his extensive career in the area of electrochemistry, Dr. José Zagal, professor at the Department of Chemistry of Materials, was invited to be part of the editorial board of Electrochemistry Communications, an international journal with the higher impact index in its field.

Dr. José Zagal, professor at the Department of Chemistry of Materials of our university, was selected to be part of the editorial board of Electrochemistry Communications, the renowned scientific journal partnered with Elsevier that has the higher impact index in the field of electrochemistry.

In a conversation with UdeSantiago al Día, the academic said that he understood his inclusion in the board as “recognition of my work over many years; but most important, the recognition of a work that has mainly been done by a team.”

Professor Zagal has a vast experience in the scientific research field, particularly in the study of oxygen and reactivity. He started to work at Universidad de Santiago 40 years ago and he has kept on publishing specialized articles in his field of interest since then.

Besides, he has been part of editorial boards of different scientific journals, like the International Journal of Electrochemistry of Hindawi Publishing Corporation, since 2011 and the International Journal of Biotechnology & Biochemistry (IJBB), since 2012.

Zagal said that it is very important that both students and academics produce publications in their fields and get involved in different creative processes “to contribute not only to this University’s development but to all the country.”

“I think that it is necessary that students in any program should take part in creative and practical processes, that is to say, they should get involved in laboratory work since their first years at the university, so that they produce new knowledge that can reach most of the people through renowned publications,” he said.

“Publishing research results is essential. When you make public the work you do, your work becomes recognized in that field and, at the same time, you spread new knowledge,” he added.

For this reason, professor Zagal expects that his role at the Electrochemistry Communications’ editorial board means a contribution to the promotion of sciences and to the better positioning of Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

“You stay at this university because you love it and not for the money. Many researchers here might well be working at private sector companies, but they stay here because they feel a real bond with this institution,” he said.

“For the love that I have for this University, I expect that my inclusion in the editorial board will benefit the institution and will contribute to spread knowledge among society,” Dr. Zagal concluded.

Translated by Marcela Contreras


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